
const {
} = useMutation(mutationFn, {
mutate(variables, {


  • mutationFn: (variables: TVariables) => Promise<TData>
    • Required
    • A function that performs an asynchronous task and returns a promise.
    • variables is an object that mutate will pass to your mutationFn
  • mutationKey: string
    • Optional
    • A mutation key can be set to inherit defaults set with queryClient.setMutationDefaults or to identify the mutation in the devtools.
  • onMutate: (variables: TVariables) => Promise<TContext | void> | TContext | void
    • Optional
    • This function will fire before the mutation function is fired and is passed the same variables the mutation function would receive
    • Useful to perform optimistic updates to a resource in hopes that the mutation succeeds
    • The value returned from this function will be passed to both the onError and onSettled functions in the event of a mutation failure and can be useful for rolling back optimistic updates.
  • onSuccess: (data: TData, variables: TVariables, context?: TContext) => Promise<void> | void
    • Optional
    • This function will fire when the mutation is successful and will be passed the mutation's result.
    • If a promise is returned, it will be awaited and resolved before proceeding
  • onError: (err: TError, variables: TVariables, context?: TContext) => Promise<void> | void
    • Optional
    • This function will fire if the mutation encounters an error and will be passed the error.
    • If a promise is returned, it will be awaited and resolved before proceeding
  • onSettled: (data: TData, error: TError, variables: TVariables, context?: TContext) => Promise<void> | void
    • Optional
    • This function will fire when the mutation is either successfully fetched or encounters an error and be passed either the data or error
    • If a promise is returned, it will be awaited and resolved before proceeding
  • retry: boolean | number | (failureCount: number, error: TError) => boolean
    • If false, failed mutations will not retry by default.
    • If true, failed mutations will retry infinitely.
    • If set to an number, e.g. 3, failed mutations will retry until the failed mutations count meets that number.
  • retryDelay: (retryAttempt: number) => number
    • This function receives a retryAttempt integer and returns the delay to apply before the next attempt in milliseconds.
    • A function like attempt => Math.min(attempt > 1 ? 2 ** attempt * 1000 : 1000, 30 * 1000) applies exponential backoff.
    • A function like attempt => attempt * 1000 applies linear backoff.
  • useErrorBoundary
    • Defaults to the global query config's useErrorBoundary value, which is false
    • Set this to true if you want mutation errors to be thrown in the render phase and propagate to the nearest error boundary


  • mutate: (variables: TVariables, { onSuccess, onSettled, onError }) => void
    • The mutation function you can call with variables to trigger the mutation and optionally override options passed to useMutation.
    • variables: TVariables
      • Optional
      • The variables object to pass to the mutationFn.
    • Remaining options extend the same options described above in the useMutation hook.
  • mutateAsync: (variables: TVariables, { onSuccess, onSettled, onError }) => Promise<TData>
    • Similar to mutate but returns a promise which can be awaited.
  • status: string
    • Will be:
      • idle initial status prior to the mutation function executing.
      • loading if the mutation is currently executing.
      • error if the last mutation attempt resulted in an error.
      • success if the last mutation attempt was successful.
  • isIdle, isLoading, isSuccess, isError: boolean variables derived from status
  • data: undefined | unknown
    • Defaults to undefined
    • The last successfully resolved data for the query.
  • error: null | TError
    • The error object for the query, if an error was encountered.
  • reset: () => void
    • A function to clean the mutation internal state (i.e., it resets the mutation to its initial state).
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